TechSmith Capture is our new replacement for Jing. That replacement tool is TechSmith Capture, which can be downloaded here: TechSmith Capture This will allow us to meet modern security needs and file types. Since Jing has been around for more than a decade, it made more sense for TechSmith to build a new replacement for Jing rather than try to update an old, outdated product. We also want to modernize the behind the scenes code base that Jing is built on. swf will no longer be supported by web browsers. This means that the current video format. Jing is being retired due to Adobe’s plans to retire Flash at the end of this year (2020). We appreciate your continued support and we are excited to continue to offer you the best screen capture and recording tool we can. We will continue to add to this page as additional questions come up. With last year’s announcement that Jing would be retiring and a new solution provided, we wanted to provide answers to some of the questions we have heard. Jing Retirement and TechSmith Capture FAQs