NES, SNES, Atari: CRT vs LCD/LED - Which is Better?.The Reason Some Retro Games Are Overpriced.Why Is Retro Video Gaming So Popular? It’s Much More Than Nostalgia.How to Find a Cheap, Brand Name Intellivision 2 Power Supply.How to Open a Famicom (or Super Famicom) Cartridge.Atari 2600 Paddle Controller Fix: Potentiometer Cleaning or Replacement.Remove Sharpie From Cartridges, and More Video Game Cleaning Tips.Replace That C64 Power Supply - Voltage Failure Will Kill Your C64.Fix the NES Blinking Red Light - 72 Pin Connector Repair / Replace.The Best Way to Clean Your NES Game Cartridges - Alcohol and Beyond.Download New (Homebrew) Games Onto Your C64 Mini, Maxi or Commodore 64.Text Adventures: The Colossal Reasons We (esp Kids) Need Them Now.Learn Commodore 64 BASIC Programming - Type-In Text-Based Games.The Reason Why NES Cartridges Are So Big.Why Do NES Games Flicker - A Visual Explanation.Why Atari Is the Best: Brilliant Atari 2600 Games Still Worth Playing.How to Translate Famicom / Super Famicom Games to English.Yes, You Can Play Japanese Famicom Games on an NES.8 Ways to Play Super Famicom Games - On the SNES & More.

Maybe you already know what's on his list, like a projector or soundbar to up his at-home movie night productions. And if you’re here, you probably don’t mind funneling more cash into ole Jeff's pockets, and that’s alright. The mega online retailer has it all-the new, the funny, and the useful. Amazon, baby! Free shipping, quick delivery, the works. The easiest place to find it? The Bezos-verse. And with Valentine's Day around the corner, you just need something that's going to make your man smile. If he's a tech guy, good luck deciphering the pages worth of specs and minute differences between models. Sure, he'd love a luxury gift, but that can feel a bit too daring. You know he might say he doesn't need anything, but we know different. Giving gifts shouldn't be as hard as men make it out to be.