It is also not clear if users can add their own graphics to the designs, but adding simple text labels proved workable. A confusing pop-up box where a user can enter coordinates was distracting and unnecessary.

While there were large buttons clearly visible, their functions were not apparent from their graphics. There were no instructions, which would have been welcome since the program's interface was not intuitive. While the program loaded quickly, the user is immediately prompted to enter, register, and pay for the full version. The program is nearly 100MB and has no native installer. The free trial version of CD/DVD Disc Label Maker for Mac adds a mark to every disc printed while the full, unrestricted version requires a $29.99 payment. While functional, CD/DVD Disc Label Maker for Mac's price tag may not be justifiable for all but the heaviest users.

Fortunately, there are plenty of other programs to chose from. For those who need custom disc labels, native programs may not have enough options.